For the last 15+ years we have been working in the West End and surrounding areas collecting waste. We now think it is time to use that experience in our own local areas and to change the way commercial and domestic waste is handled. We hope you agree.
We save you money by only charging you for the waste weight that you produce. If your bin is not being used because you are on holiday or on a break i.e Christmas time then you will not be charged!
Our prices are very fair and are approximately £5 a week cheaper than most other waste disposal collection companies (giving you a saving of over £200 per year). We help your green footprint and reduce the environmental impact of your waste disposal. Zero to landfill.
Refuse-derived fuel (RDF) is a fuel produced by shredding and drying out every day rubbish (MSW).
When your waste collection is taken to one of our Government approved Waste Management Sites;
"It is processed to remove the non-combustible materials such as glass, plastics and metals. These items are recycled separately."
The materials that are left consists largely of organic and biodegradable waste that is then ground up and dried out in the processing station before being compressed into large pellets or bricks which are then sold on to another processing site that in effect burn the pellets and harness the heat that they give off into an energy source.
Material removed before the RDF process, such as metals and plastics, are then sent to one of our Waste Management Company's approved sites to be recycled accordingly.
We are a new company with very low overheads, we do not charge an admin fee for waste transfer notes or invoicing.
Our business focuses on helping all businesses and individuals manage their rubbish in a cost effective and environmentally sensitive way.
Our primary concerns are to give a great service and great value for money.
Once we are in a sustainable position we will collect all recklessly discarded, fly tipped waste and separated recyclables for free.*
We are community minded, with an environmentally friendly conscience for the conservation of the natural and built environment.
Please read our terms and conditions of service.
* When a client can show a valid community benefit*